Monday 9 January 2012

Personal Injury Claim Can Be From A Work Related Illness

As we have discussed in previous blog posts there are several examples of how you can cause an injury within the workplace - either to yourself or others. It can be something that is easily prevented with the right signage or notifications such as highlighting a slippery floor or uneven surface as these can result in a personal injury claim.

However, illness at work, is often something more long-term and not instantly diagnosed, for example a fall can result in a broken or sprained leg but working with asbestos products can leave employees at risk of breathing problems, which isn't instantly diagnosed or even spotted as a health problem.

There are several examples of work related illness in which professional compensation claims advice might be needed, especially if it may result in a personal injury claim. Here are some of the most common types of work related illness:

Asbestosis - illness which is a result of high exposure or long-term exposure to asbestos. This can be from handling, removing or even manufacturing products that contain asbestos. The damage is done to the lungs and can result in a shortness of breath.

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) - As the same suggests, this can be a result of repetitive tasks, vibrations or working in sustained or uncomfortable positions, although our lifestyle away from work can also result in RSI from holding a phone between your neck and shoulder, carrying heavy items or even sitting in the same position for too long. This is easily done if you are watching a TV programme or in a meeting without a break.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome - The carpal tunnel is situated in your wrist and damage to the wrists can often be associated with typing without supports. There is also research to say that this is more associated with genetics rather than just typing.

Vibration white finger - This is triggered by continuous use of vibrating hand-held machinery. However, this term tends to be called hand-arm vibration syndrome of HAVS more so than vibration white finger. Good practice in industrial health and safety management has the workers vibration exposure asssessed and monitored

These are only a few examples of illness in the workplace that may result in a personal injury claim. If professional advice is needed make sure you have information on all the places you have worked and even seek medical advice if needed.

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