Thursday 22 March 2012

Excavations and Compensation Claims

Excavations involve digging underground and this can bring another level of accident awareness and precautions that need to be observed.

Avoid Collapse of Excavation
If you are working underground there is an element that you need to be aware of and that is ensuring the excavation does not collapse and cause untold problems and complications. Workers can get trapped underground and therefore the excavation needs to be supported to reduce this risk. This can be done using a temporary supports before any digging work begins or ensuring the sides of the excavation pit are safe and creating a reduced risk of collapse which may result in compensation claims.

Falling Into the Excavation
The area must be guarded off to prevent people falling into the area. If there are no barriers or constraints then people are more likely to fall into the area and this may result in a personal injury claim, as a fall can cause injuries.

Other Buildings
When digging out the trench or excavation pit make sure that any surrounding buildings are not affected. Buildings that are close to each might be reliant on the same footings and if you are investigating and changing footings to one building this might affect others. Dislodging footings can cause subsidance and cause other problems for nearby buildings.

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