Friday 17 February 2012

Different Construction Site Locations

A construction site is a very busy place and can involve a lot of traffic - both people and machinery. The location of the site is also important as both construction workers and pedestrians will need to protected and made aware of the potential dangers.

A site can be based within a busy city centre and therefore extra care is needed. For example, a busy area like Birmingham or Nottingham will have lots of people and transport passing through an area. It might only take one gate to be left open for an unauthorised person to enter or a pole to fall from a height and this might cause injury that might lead to a personal injury claim Nottingham.

Construction sites can also be in close vacinity to a school and a construction site looks like a very tempting place to play to a child. This is why the sites are locked up securely in the evenings and also access to the site via ladders or scaffolding is removed so that no-one can enter the site without permission and the relevant safety training.

Business parks and retail parks are also places where building sites are common place. This is often due to the retail park expanding and more business space needed. If you imagine that although this is not as populated as a city centre there is still need for caution. If you consider that the existing businesses will still be in close proximity to the construction site. Anyone who doesn't know the dangers might run the risk of causing injury if the site was not secure and this may lead to an accident claim.

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