Monday 20 February 2012

Construction Site Slips and Trip Accident Claim

The system of processes and health and safety policies on a construction site are important and vital. There is a need to make sure every worker knows the regulations and how to deal with potential hazards and a slip or trip in any environment can lead to injury and may result in compensation claims.

Uneven and slippery surfaces can cause problems on a site. As a project develops and grows the site layout changes. Therefore, designated walkways are essential to make sure employees can work around the site without injury. If carrying water or a substance that is likely to make an area slippy make sure that any slips are either mopped up, highlighted with warning signs, or highlighted to an appropriate person to make the necessary arrangements.

Level changes are also another hazard that can cause a trip or fall if not monitored. As the construction develops there will be a need to add fixtures and fittings such as doorways, window frames and steps if building a house or office block. If a floor has been raised, or a doorway fitted that might cause a trip as the height difference is not obvious consider highlighting the area with warning tape, boards or even cones if needed.

If these are not highlighted and someone falls over a doorframe or slips on some water this might result in an accident claim.

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