Tuesday 13 December 2011

Injured on Holiday?

Millions of people in the UK save up and look forward to going on holiday every year but unfortunately a number of these holidays are ruined by accidents and illness. If you have an accident whilst abroad on holiday you may be able to make a personal injury claim.

Some accidents that may occur whilst abroad that you could make a claim for are trips and slips due to a defective surface or liquids or debris on the floor of your hotel, electrocution from faulty hotel equipment or food poisoning from eating in a hotel restaurant.

These are all things that you wouldn’t expect to happen on holiday and you are likely to be able to claim for. If you are involved in one of these things make sure you gather as much evidence as possible to give you the best chance of a successful claim.

Report the accident to your holiday representative as soon as possible so that there is a record of the accident. If it is something like a fall from a bad floor in the hotel be sure to take photographs of where the incident occurred as soon as possible so there is no time for them to do anything about it and claim that there was never a problem. Seek medical advice to be sure you are okay and put on record the injuries you have suffered.

If you do all of these things then you will have a good chance of winning your personal injury claim. You deserve some sort of compensation if hotel negligence ruins your hard earned holiday.

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